Friday, 30 January 2015
If you look closely at this picture you will catch a glimpse of a rainbow on the horizon. It appeared on the day we were forecast frost and snow. Likewise if you look closely at any storms that might be passing through your life, you might discover your own rainbow of hope there too...
Lujzi came back into my life to a)help me get rid of the rest of my marbles, b)keep teaching me valuable lessons. Since the last time I got her back I've not had the courage to let her off the lead again. This last time I really thought I was going to lose her for good and the thought of not knowing whether she was safe and well was very troubling. So off we went two days ago for our lunchtime adventure, Dorka happily bouncing around the heathlands on her own fetching sticks, Lujzi walking beside me. At first I had the same sinking feeling that has been revisiting me in the last 11 years, the feeling that I need to release her for her to be happy too like Dorka. It was this way of thinking that led to so many desperate searches in the woods, so many calls to the dog warden, many many challenging situations. Today however, a subtle change crept into the air, there was something so inviting in the glorious sunshine, the grass playfully waving with each stroke of the gentle breeze, carefree finches circling above our heads, dancing from one tree to the next; the field became a playground beckoning us to join the fun. A feeling of lightness picked me up and made me run with the wind, Lujzi running alongside me, and for the first time in a long time there were no thoughts racing around my head, no prayers uttered, tears falling, frantic holding onto Lujzi's leash, there was just the here and the now and the purest joy and laughter I had experienced in a long time. Dogs are such sensitive creatures, they picked up on my feathery mood and bounced along with it. Looking back in my memory it feels as if we flew across the heathlands and floated back home with our feet never even touching the earth. As I arrived at the back entrance of the site I thought, what an amazingly fun walk that was and I didn't even let Lujzi off the leash. And at that moment came the realisation, all these years I was so busy worrying about her joy and her fun, that I completely forgot to allow myself that joy and fun, which in turn would have allowed her to bath in mine alongside me. Likewise with relationships I always thought that by being with me the other would feel tied down, because I was too busy thinking about what would bring them joy. However, when you open the floodgates of your own joy, you realise how simple and effortless everything becomes, and everything that was confusing before, falls into place, giving space for peace and serenity. All my life I've been wracking my brain about what's my purpose here. Lately the feeling I'm getting is that it's as simple as finding whatever brings us joy and doing as much of it as possible. When you're experiencing pure bliss in whatever activities make your heart sing, it becomes contagious. That is the best you can do for the world and those around you. Follow your deepest joys! For those of you who have the time and would like to share, it would be lovely to hear feedback on what that is for you? Wishing you all a happy day :) Nx
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