Saturday, 22 October 2016

It is only in giving that we truly receive...

Today I am grateful for the two best friends one could ever wish for. It is true that it is only in giving that we truly receive. One of my very special friends gives very healing, magical massages and the other is a beautiful mother to a gorgeous 10 month old and was therefore in need of some tender loving care herself for a change. I put the two together and the result was divine, the lovely mum was transported to heaven and back, little miss heavenly hands was yet again reminded what a gift she has and I had the undescribable honour of having a ten month old little gem fall asleep in my arms. Utter bliss, especially when motherhood is something that at this point in time is not in the cards for me for some reason..

I am grateful for my journey into healthy eating, although at times obsessive and frustrating, teaching me so much at the same time. Thanks to Aivanhov's The Yoga of Nutrition my awareness is shifting from placing obsessive importance of what I eat and how much to how I eat. It's brought up a need to make a physical and spiritual space for meals and a deeper mindfulness of everything around eating.... And also frustration for the time being being the insane perfectionist I can be, trying to get everything right even before starting haha!

I am grateful for the courage and initiative to deactivate Facebook, I really didn't like the information overload and the superficial nature of it, less is definitely more for me in terms of connectedness...

Thank you for quiet Saturday evenings, with your doggies lying by your side and your special other lovingly forgiving of your wild and often reckless nature, somehow always finding a way to love you even when you really struggle to love yourself...

Thank you for writing, which I've neglected lately but keep rediscovering as a very healing practice.

Thank you for the idea I got from my special friend today to spend five minutes a day visualising things that make me happy, I shall try it and expect good things to come my way...

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