Monday, 13 April 2020
New Life - Dedicated with love to all those affected by COVID-19
Once I read a quote from a lady in my favourite Hungarian magazine that went something like this: 'Even if I knew the world was going to end tomorrow, I would still plant an apple tree today'
I always found those words deeply hopeful and uplifting.
Last year I planted an apple tree. Not because I thought the world was going to end, but because I've always had a deep rooted appreciation for trees and growing my own fruit seemed like one of the most wonderful things I could imagine. Also I was expecting my first baby and wanted her/him to be able to walk out into our garden and pick an apple straight from our tree.
Although the world didn't end as such, that first baby of ours never got to pick any apples from that tree as her time here with us was a very brief three months. Her little heart carried on beating somewhere else after that...
Jumping forward a year, the UK and pretty much the whole world is in lockdown because of the spread of COVID-19 and I am in my last month of pregnancy with our second child. The world, yet again, has not ended, but life as we know it has been shaken to the ground with a lot of questions and uncertainty for us humans...
To have this outbreak coincide with the arrival of our baby and Easter is both unsettling at times, to say the least, yet filled with hope and promise for a brand new way forward.
Our time during lockdown has been blessed with rest and tranquility, a chance to nurture and enjoy our garden, the company of our sweet furry family member, Dorka, who has been putting a smile on our faces for 15 years now, and allowed us much needed quality time together before our new arrival joins us.
Having said all that with much gratitude, not one day goes by without our thoughts and prayers going out to those who have had to carry on working and putting themselves at risk for the well-being of others, including my own mum and brother, my colleagues at the Lantern community, the people providing food and supplies for us, collecting our waste and other services, and last but not least, the incredible NHS and care staff having to face the toughest challenges of all day after day.
My heart is also daily with those who have found themselves face to face with the illness, whether it be themselves or their family members, and especially those who won't be able to cuddle those loved ones after the lockdown is over.
I dedicate this entry to all these people and my wish is that God's grace and healing be with them in this difficult time.
I sign off with a picture of the first blossoms on the earlier mentioned apple tree, that presented their delicate selves over the Easter weekend. May they be a sign of hope and healing to all of us. ☀️🍎☀️
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