Wednesday, 29 April 2020
In these unusual times of lockdown and social isolation, all of our lives have been impacted to some degree, whether in large or small ways. From my perspective, as a mother to be with a baby boy ready to arrive any second now, it has brought challenges like not being able to give my own Mother a big hug or spend precious time visiting our Granddad to share a simple bowl of tomato soup and rolls, like we used to.
This time has not passed without blessings, however. I'm grateful for the stillness it has brought with it, like helping me find my way back to the joy of writing, which was often pushed aside by work, every day life and lots of 'busyness'.
This morning I woke up feeling the urge to share a few thoughts on the meaning of success. The abundance of time at home many of us have been granted has been a two edged sword for several of us, including myself to some extent; increasing pressure of having to 'achieve' something in this period and spend it 'productively'. Especially as a brand new mum to be, in my head the list of things to sort out inside and around me seemed somewhat neverending.
Then one day, inspired by a friend's sharing, a sweet little book arrived on my doorstep; The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse dreamed up by Charlie Mackesy. In it stood the humble and gentle, yet so powerful reminder:
"What do you think success is?" asked the boy
"To love," said the mole
This simple yet so beautiful thought stopped me right in my tracks and warmed my heart immeasurably.
I so wanted to share it to encourage all of us to keep sight of what's really important, whether it's calling that person who lives alone and so needs to know that they are loved and thought of, being kind to the ones around us we might have slightly taken for granted in the last few weeks, or simply lovingly nurturing that beautiful flower growing in our garden. That is my hope and wish for us all in getting through these unprecedented times; success in sharing that precious love we all hold inside of us.
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