Tuesday, 20 January 2015
Turn your face to the sun...
This picture of Lujzi reminded me of another of my favourite quotes, one I always try to live by: 'turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you'
One sunny day, (mind you where I live it always seems to be sunny, I love my caravan sweet caravan :)) I was watching the sky from my little meditation mound; if you sit still enough sometimes you can spot deer coming and going and I have a real soft spot for deer, I find them magically graceful and mysterious creatures. So there I was looking for deer or anything else to admire and I rested my gaze on a tree behind which the sun was making its way across the sky.
At this moment my forever busy mind interrupted the stillness and reminded me of some of the things I was up there to forget, so I took a deep breath and asked for guidance. All of a sudden a magpie that had been hiding on one of the branches opened its wings and took flight. Poor little magpies, whenever I used to see one before I moved here I would always remember the '1 for sorrow, 2 for joy rhyme' and would always feel a bit sad when I would see 'just one'. Not anymore, they are beautiful and extremely intelligent creatures and I started watching its journey across the vast landscape. One of my celestial communications, the link to which I've added here , offers the following wisdom 'If you listen carefully enough to anything, it will talk to you'
This magpie had a lot to say... As I had been watching that tree I had collected many rays of light from the sun behind it and as my eyes followed the bird, so did the rays of light in the form of a pink cloud, wrapping it like a warm blanket. This cosy blanket stayed with the bird until my eyes could no longer follow... My wish is that we all find our sun, whatever fills us with warm rays of light, because those rays warm you and protect you when the cold winds blow. And remember to keep going back to that sun, we all need to recharge from time to time! With love and sunlight :) Nx
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