Thursday, 30 July 2015
Gratitude diary
It's been quite a few months since my last entry and so much has happened since then, so many blessings and beautiful events that I don't even know where to begin. Therefore, I feel the need to begin by starting a little gratitude diary, where I can express at least some of the of the joy that has been pouring into my life.
The yoga mat above doesn't just show my favourite little spot to practise yoga under a beautiful tree, overlooking a magical field of waving grass, it is also symbolic of a place I've reached in myself, physically and spiritually, where I feel whole, where yoga in its fullest sense is taking place, a union of body mind and spirit
I wish to thank life for bringing a very special person into my life when I least expected it, and for four months of loving and laughing and nurturing and dreaming and trusting and feeling at peace and wanting nothing, just being together. Thank You...
Thank you also for the cosiest home and garden I have ever had and for being able to share it with 3 wonderful creatures, 2 furry, one not so furry :)
Thank you for the serenity that has slowly found its way into my life, gradually filling up every little corner of it, places I didn't even know existed...
Last but not least, thank you for showing me the way to stay true to myself. Today I finally found the courage to speak my truth and stand up for myself in a very challenging situation at work, where I was spoken to in a very unkind way and the things that were said to me were hurtful and not even true as it turned out. I was judged for doing my work 'too slowly' among other things... For the first time in what feels like an eternity I decided I didn't deserve to be treated this way and spoke my truth. It felt so right and so empowering and I did it without blame or anger, with as much kindness and discretion as I possibly could.
Shakespeare couldn't have been more spot on when he said:
This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.